Sahil Verma
Todoist Firebase

Todoist Firebase is Todoist Clone made with React JS and Firebase. This tools will help you to organize your life and works and maintain the tasks you want to performed in upcoming time.





Todoist Firebase is Todoist Clone made with React JS and Firebase. This tool will help you to organize your life and works and maintain the tasks you want to perform in upcoming time.

Live Website URL

How to setup

  1. Clone the reposetry to your system.
  2. Change the directory to the todoist-firebase.
  3. Install all the packages.
  4. Open the VS Code in the this folder.
  5. Create .env file according to the .env.example file with your Firebase credentials.
  6. Go to the Firebase and create a new project.
  7. Copy and paste the credentials on the .env file.
  8. Enable Firestore and Authentication.
  9. Select Google Authentication on the Authentication services.
  10. Now start the server.
npm start # or yarn start if you're using yarn

Tech Stack

React JS, Tailwind CSS, Framer Motion, Firebase 9.